Seeing the positive impact of MultiLit Literacy Centre programs on children’s confidence, skills and abilities is incredibly rewarding, but there’s nothing better than hearing about it from families themselves.
This parent testimonial demonstrates the benefits of the holiday program option and provides insights into their family’s experience of MultiLit Literacy Centres.
We thank Kate very much for being willing to share her thoughts and feedback publicly.

Choosing MultiLit Literacy Centres
We originally found out about the MultiLit program when our first child was finding learning to read in Kindy challenging. It was used as an extra resource at her school to help children that were struggling. We could see quickly that the MultiLit program was working well for her and it was suggested to us to look into bringing our child to a MultiLit holiday program to build her confidence with reading.
Our second child experienced a similar experience with learning to read in Kindy and we booked him into a MultiLit holiday program as soon as we were able to do so after our experience with our oldest child and her improvement through using the MultiLit program.
Benefits of the holiday programs
We love the holiday program option! It has been a great way for us to fit in help with our children’s literacy. We were unable to make regular weekly sessions due to having three children and various activities. We also like that we can book a morning session in the holidays when our kids are at their best for learning. It has become a positive experience for our kids as we go to MultiLit in the mornings in the holidays and always plan something fun to do after. Our kids enjoy the routine and continuation of sessions back-to-back.
Rapport with tutors and staff
Both of our children have warmed very quickly to all the MultiLit tutors we have had. Everyone we have met, including management and administration staff, have been incredibly warm, welcoming, and understanding. Both of our children have really enjoyed the individual time with their tutors as they make it fun, interesting and have developed a rapport throughout each holiday program we have done. All the tutors really care about the children and clearly enjoy the work they are doing.
Interactions with tutors and feedback received
As a parent, I meet with our child’s tutor at the beginning of a session and at the end. The beginning is handing over our child and briefly saying if we were able to complete any activities at home or not. At the end of a session, the tutor gives a brief rundown of what was covered and any homework activities that have been included as an optional extra. At the end of the intensive week, we have a longer 5–10 minute chat with the tutor about our child’s progress and plan going forward.
The impact of MultiLit tutoring
MultiLit has been a lifesaver for us. We were very stressed as parents when our oldest child was struggling with reading. It was difficult to help her ourselves as she was often tired in the afternoons and evenings after school and frustrated with finding school challenging. The MultiLit holiday program provided a time and space to help both of our children when they were fresh and ready to learn. The wonderful tutors have been so well received by our children and it has taken a huge amount of pressure off my husband and I as our kids have been so happy to go to MultiLit and their progress has been incredible. We have also done Speech pathology and OT for our kids and MultiLit seemed to somehow be the ‘missing piece’ that tied everything together for our children to help in their literacy journey.
Advice for other families
I would like to say that it is the best money and time that we have spent on helping our children. Our oldest child in particular, has thrived at school since doing the MultiLit program. Her self-confidence is so different to where we were before doing the program. The research behind the program is very effective and works. The tutors are wonderful, and we honestly cannot thank them enough.
Thank you so much to the MultiLit team. We are so grateful!
Kate H. | Sydney, NSW | 2023